Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Survived

My surgery yesterday was a success. I'm still pretty tender, but I'm happy to be on the recovery side of it. My husband and mom both came with me, and I so appreciated having them there. I had a cold this weekend, so I was really worried they would cancel the surgery, but I got better just in time.

The surgery itself was a blur. After having 5-6 different people asking me the same questions over and over again, they wheeled me into the operating room and put the mask over my face. The next thing I knew I was in post-op with tears streaming down my face (I tend to cry a lot when I'm under anesthesia. My husband tells me I would be a very weepy drunk). I was pretty foggy for the next 30 minutes, and I kept asking people the same questions over and over again because I could remember what the answers were.

When my head got a little clearer, I finally understood what they were telling me. They found some endometriosis. In the doctor's words, "a moderate amount." They were able to clear it out without any problems. It was glorious news. They even took pictures of it for me to take home as a souvenir. I didn't get to talk to my doctor afterward, but I have a follow-up appointment in two weeks. Oh, and they also took out my appendix. I know, I was shocked. I was thinking, "you asked me 6 times what surgery I was supposed to be in for, and you got it mixed up??". Apparently I had an enlarged appendix, which means I had a previous infection and would be more likely to have problems later on. So I guess I got a 2 for 1 deal on surgeries. :)

So now I have three small incisions, including one in my belly button (they pulled my appendix out through my belly button? Weird).

I'm feeling pretty hopeful right now. I kind of feel like starting over again. It still may take us a while, but I have that excited feeling again, not the hopeless feeling every month.

So here's to new beginnings and tender tummies. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I'm getting kind of nervous. And excited. And anxious. I'm really glad we're doing this next week. Before I was always nervous that they would find something, but now I'm hoping they do. My doctor is so optimistic that he'll be able to clear everything up and we'll be on our way to making babies. I know from experience that doctors tend to be overly optimistic (oh don't worry, this won't hurt much. . .), but I really want to believe him on this one. After next week we'll know either way. Either we'll be normal people again and get to experience the excitement of trying each month without the feeling of doom and gloom, or we'll be on our way to IVF. Either way, we'll be much closer to bringing our baby home.

Prayers will be appreciated. :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A bit of progress

We went to the doctor on Tuesday. It was a bit frustrating at first because the doctor didn't even remember who I was, but once he pulled up my file and we talked for a while, I felt better. We're going to have the laparoscopic surgery on February 22nd. It is a completely inconvenient time since it's in the middle of the week in the middle of the semester, but it was the only time available, so we took it. That means in less than three weeks we'll know if we have a chance of getting pregnant on our own or if we need IVF. I'm kind of hoping they find something, so they can fix it and we'll be good to go. If I'm all clear, that's great but it leaves us right back to the big fat question mark.

So for now, there's hope. I'll take it.