Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Little Background Info

My husband and I have been married for 4 1/2 years. We both went to school at the same place, but didn't really get together while we were both students. I graduated before him (he is older than me, but took two years off to serve an LDS mission in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) and headed off to graduate school. I came back to teach at the same school, and he was still there finishing up some internships. We ran into each other at Wal-Mart, reconnected, and the rest was history.

Compared to most LDS people, we got married a little bit later. I was 24, hubby was 26. I remember thinking that I would never find the one for me, but I did. He is perfect for me, and I know he will be a great dad someday.

We both work in the music department at the university where we met. I teach, and hubby is the recording engineer. I also teach music lessons at home. And play in the local symphony orchestra. And am writing my dissertation. Needless to say, we are busy people. We love our life, but we know it is not complete. We are anxious to add children to our home, but recognize that Heavenly Father has a different plan for us at the moment.

About a year after we got married, we starting trying to get pregnant. I had already been having those strong maternal feeling for quite some time, and was ready to become a mother. We had a great plan, and were sure it was all going to work out perfectly. Right. . . you would think I would have learned by now that planning means nothing. I secretly laugh at people who tell me their "plans" for life. Mine never seem to go the way I think.

Anyway, each month was a disappointment for me. I was sure that we'd be pregnant in 3-4 months, just like most people. Plus, I was hoping fertility was hereditary (I call my mom "Fertile Myrtle". Her oldest is a honeymoon baby, and her youngest was conceived while she was using two different forms of birth control).

Now I've been through 40 months of disappointment. I'm getting tired. Some months are harder than others. Some days are good days, some are not so good days. Hopefully with this blog, there will be a few more good days.

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